Penetration Testing

CyCognito - Penetration Testing

CyCognito CyCAST Platform

The Industry’s First Fully Automated, Cloud-Based Security Testing Service that Simulates Attackers’ Reconnaissance Techniques to Find Your Organization’s Security Blind Spots


Global Asset Discovery

Map Your Entire Attack Surface


Deep Risk Assessment

Identify Sophisticated Attack Vectors


Continuous Analysis

Cloud Service Operates Continuously


Risk-Defined Alerts

Prioritized Based Upon an Attacker’s Priorities


Cloud Efficiency

No Installs. No Overhead. 100% External

How The Platform Works


Global Bot Network

Discovers and fingerprints billions of internet-exposed assets along numerous dimensions using 60,000+ bots deployed in over 100 countries.

Cybermetric Database

Clusters assets based on their digital fingerprints to identify the IT boundary and attack surface of organizations, departments and other business entities.


Attack Simulator

Uses standard and proprietary techniques to identify and enumerate potential attack vectors for each asset, without affecting business continuity.

Risk Prioritization Manager

Scores and ranks each risk based on what attackers are most likely to target so that security teams can focus on their highest operational priorities.


Our Partners

All our partners are leaders or leading companies in the IT industry. With great pleasure, we are introducing the list of our carefully selected partners, with whom we share the same principles: integrity, professionalism and reliability.